lots of things to work on!!

  • styling
  • make the center pane resizing work (have a default height for the bottom that still allow full resizing functionality)
  • make the "notes" (right) side bar templates
  • prevent negative resizing
  • fix weird disappearance/reappearance of left nav when resizing small
  • do we want some cute lil icon in the title?
  • are the paths correct for our stylesheets and scripts? (/../../ seems kinda weird but idk)
  • figure out how padding works with these weird table cell things
  • how do we want to organize/categorize/tag our content?
  • probably going to have to figure out scrolling with the side bars? also figure out weird overflow issues??
  • can the last_modified metadata attribute be updated programmatically?
  • make me accessible
  • make me mobile-friendly
some cool art or something
notes & words & phrases & scribbles & snippets & poems